Saturday, October 1, 2016

One thing more

I forgot one thing, I lost my parents in the month of October, Mom on the 1st and Dad on the 25th, I just want them to know I miss them everyday and I love them so much.  Can't wait until we meet again!  Love, Cricket(my name that I am called by family, it really is my middle name)

A Great Day!

What a beautiful morning it was today, now it is raining very hard.  I am grateful for the rain in so many ways, I really couldn't live without water, I am a ice water junkie!!  Everyday I drink at least 12 cups of water-12 oz.. at least.  My body is use to it, but yes I still pee constantly!!  I went to the junk yard with my hubbsters this morning, I was so amazed at what people throw away and what people search for in junk!!  There was old, old cars and trucks, old washer machines, bikes, tractors and the list goes on and on.  While I was looking at this stuff I started thinking about the people that used it when it was brand new, it must have been like heaven to have a new washer back in those days and not have to do all the laundry by hand!!!  Can you image having to go out every morning when it was freezing and crank the car up?  YIKES!  I do have to say that the bikes that were used back then are so much cooler then what we have no days!  Banana seats are the best!  I have always thought that if I could have any super power, I would like to be able to see in the past, like who used that rolling pin when it was brand new, or how that house looked when it was first painted.  I am always telling my hubbsters as we are taking a drive, I wonder who first used that old milk can, or I wonder who planted that rose bush, my mind never stops wondering!!  Wouldn't that be a awesome super power, I think so.
    After going to the junk yard, we went and got breakfast from the Maverick gas station, YUKIE!!  That is the only place to go around us, without having to drive 30 minutes, I did get my yummy coke with rabbit turd ice, there was a time in my life, like 5years ago that I wouldn't drink soda for nothing. I just didn't like it, now I can't make a day without a coke, actually I can go two days!!  I really wish I could stop, but it seems to calm my stress levels.  After getting a coke and nasty breakfast sandwich, we went home and watch General Conference, for those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain a little.  I am a Mormon, I belong to the church of Jesus Christ and every six months our church leaders speak to us and encourage us to change our lives for the better, and to serve others like Jesus Christ did.  It really is uplifting and inspiring to hear these talks.  After Conference was over, I took myself upstairs and started sewing my dolls, my hubbsters went outside to work on his old trucks and our 10yr. old son, played lego"s until he started feeling yucky(flu season).  I have enjoyed just being at home today and thinking about all that I have to be thankful for, I have a wonderful hubbsters, beautiful children, grandchildren, a warm home full of love and peace, provisions to help us etc.  I pondered on all my blessings and came to the conclusion that I am very blessed.  The one blessing I am most grateful for today is PEACE, I love the fact that it is so peaceful where we live and in our home.  Such a great feeling!
   After sewing on dolls and getting dinner(thank you to the hubbsters for making breakfast burritos), I am taking the time to write, even if I am the only one to read it, it helps to get things out.  Today was a great day!!!!  Love, Me